Book Title: 'Faizal Sidik: Selected Writings On Art'
Pages: 110 pg
Year: 2024
Publisher: Pustaka Taman Seni
Price: RM 9 (ebook)
1. Once Upon A Time (Alkesah Yang Empunya Cherita)
2. Lok: The Malay Philosophy of Art and Aesthetic of Kris Torso Sculpture
3. From Silver Screen to Canvas
4. Revolution in Malaysia Art, Sociocultural and Political Experiences
Through Young Contemporaries from the 1970s until Today
6. Mixed Medium Works in Conceptual Arts of the 1970s
7. The Transformation of Roles: 'Curatist' (Artists as Curators)
8. Faizal Sidik: Drawing 1996-2006
9. Suhaimi Fadzir: What is the Meaning of Independence-Indigenous Colonial Migrants
10. Psychodynamic Figurative
11. Concerning Rizq
12. Asean Art: Five Decade of Development and Challenges
The book 'Faizal Sidik: Selected Writing of Art' contains twelve essays produced from 2010 to 2020. Most of these writings were produced while the author served as a curator at the National Art Gallery of Malaysia (NAG). During that period, the author also was often invited as a guest curator and writer to curate exhibitions organized by private galleries.
The collection of writing is a contribution of the author in advancing our intellectual culture. The author hoped that this book would further enrich the treasures of art scene and become a reference for researchers and art lovers.
This book should be used as reading material for artists, educators, art and culture students at universities, curators, visual arts teachers and the public.
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